Manufacturing Community Company

Fabrication rapide et abordable pour ton projet électronique

Tu as besoin d'un prototype de circuit imprimé à rotation rapide, d'un assemblage en petite ou grande série ? Nous avons ce qu'il te faut. Nous fabriquons ton projet électronique en deux jours ouvrables et te l'expédions dans le monde entier à des prix abordables. Télécharge ton projet maintenant et essaie l'expérience qui transforme ton projet électronique en un projet puissant sans faire exploser ton budget.

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Beautiful Boards

Printed Circuit Boards manufactured in one business day starting at just €10,16. Manufactured and delivered from Germany. 2 or 4 Layers, ENIG and HASL surface finishes and high quality base materials.

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Amazing Assembly

Your project fully assembled. Supported by our Smart BOM, the world's largest part catalogue and a best-in-class partner network. From prototype to series, Amazing Assembly has you covered.

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What's the perfect summer evening activity? Designing PCBs! With our promotion, you'll save €10 off your next PCB order until the end of the summer. 😎🌴


The stencil aperture for Center Pads of QFN/DFN/SOIC footprints should be adjusted to a "window pane" design for reliable soldering. This allows for flux fumes to escape more easily and prevents the building of a large solder blob that may shift the part out of position.


Working on a new layout? Don't forget to add testpoints!

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